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Parent coaching services provide families with a holistic approach to supporting communication, cognitive, sensory, and social-emotional development. I combine my decades of experience as a pediatric speech-language pathologist with innovative healing techniques and astrological insights to guide your family toward health and wellness. 



Parenting can be a challenge, and parenting a child with special needs can be even more challenging! Whether you find yourself exhausted, frustrated, or at a deadend on how to make progress, it is my mission to help you navigate your child's healing journey. My coaching services are designed to support the whole family's healing journey with powerful interventions that I have found to be effective and safe. Coaching includes a personalized program including the services described below.

Sensory Enrichment Therapy
Therapeutic Listening
Flower Essence Remedies

Sensory Enrichment Therapy stimulates the brain plasticity to enable the brain to make new connections, ultimately healing itself. Sensory Enrichment Therapy uses two or more senses concurrently, resulting in reduced discomfort and increased plasticity.


In randomized control trials, children who added Sensory Enrichment Therapy to their existing programs were 6X more likely to improve by 5 points or more on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale and 21% of Sensory Enrichment Therapy children fell below the autism cutoff score after 6 months. Click here to learn more about the required investment.

Therapeutic Listening is an evidence-based auditory intervention designed to support individuals who experience challenges with sensory processing integration, listening, attention, and communication. It is a sound-based treatment tool that is used to address poor attention, difficulties interacting with peers, limited play skills, challenges with transitions or changes in routine, difficulty using and understanding communication, struggles with sleep, bowel and bladder control, and eating, abnormal responses to sensory stimuli (sounds, touch, taste, pain), and more. 


Therapeutic Listening requires an additional investment of approximately $20/month for access to the listening tracks.

Custom flower essence remedies bring out the most positive person in both you and your child, allowing full expression of the true person you and your child are. Flower essence remedies gently and safely release negative states (grief, fear, sadness, anger, hurt, guilt, shame) by flooding the body's system with the positive vibration the flower essence carries. Pediatric flower essence clients have demonstrated improvements in their speech-language skills, social skills, attention, focus, and emotional well-being.


Coaching sessions and packages include customized essences for the client (child) and one or both parents..

Astrological Interpretations
Customized Astrological Essential Oil Blends
Pyramid Headgears

Astrological interpretations help promote your ability to “know your child” and perceive them with increased compassion. I also provide relationship readings to help you better understand the dynamics between you and your child.


Predictive astrology readings empower you with a better understanding of events that are transpiring in your life and how to best utilize the power of the transiting and progressed planets influencing your natal chart to your advantage. I incorporate all astrological insights into your customized coaching services to facilitate deeper understanding and healthier family dynamics.

Customized astrological essential oil blends help you and your child come into balance and gain insight about yourself by harmonizing with the challenging and beneficial aspects in your astrology chart. I will guide you through utilizing various methods of applying essential oils to balance the acupuncture meridian system to support both physical and emotional health.


Oil blend pricing varies based on each client's needs.

Pyramid headgears reduce fatigue and stress and increase vitality, supercharging your child's body with life force. They also protect your child's head from harmful 5G and EMF frequencies.


Pyramid headgears increase relaxation and promote left-right brain symmetry, helping the body reach the alpha or meditative state more easily. Each Pyramid headgear works on various endocrine glands producing varied ·feelings and effects while also normalizing hormonal secretions into the bloodstream. 


Pyramid headgear are sold separately, see store for pricing and details.


Single Session

$100 for an hour meeting over Zoom

3 Session Package

Three 60-minute meetings over Zoom

5 Session Package

Five 60-minute meetings over Zoom

3 Month Package

Weekly meetings for 12 weeks, 60-minutes each over Zoom


"Learning first comes in through our senses. Sensations received are the foundation of knowledge."

- Carla Hannaford, Ph.D

Your Destiny with Jane

© 2022 by Jane Masteller. Website proudly created by Cued Creative.

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